
Wednesday 28 June 2017

William Hudson

He was a chief civil in 1949 William fired the first explosive charge for the scheme because Australia needed its own workers to help get the country going after world war 2. 

1. Discuss what sort of work an engineer does and whether it is something you would be interested in as a career. 

2. find two pieces of evidence to show William wanted to keep his snowy men safe. 

3. Discuss the link between cultural features  (men-made) and national identity. 

4. Quote a sentence that shows William`s success.

5. give an example of innovation from 'the scheme'. 

6. web search: find out some details of the snowy river Hydro-Electric scheme. 

Tuesday 20 June 2017

we made this

crayon art is melted crayons. Small $5.99 bigger $5.99.

Monday 19 June 2017

Mabel Howard

was born 1894 in Australia the family lived in mostly there although her mum died 1903 making her live with her dad she was a health and minister charge of child.  

1. Describe what is happening in the above photo of Mabel  Howard and why the photo is said to be an icon. 

2. Explain the meaning of the following: standardisation of sizes, bloomers, electorate, jamboree, discrimination. 

3. Discuss why Mabel becoming a government minister was such an important event. 

4. find two pieces of evidence that show mabel tried to make her community a better place. 

5. find a piece of evidence that mabel`s impact spread beyond her own community. 

soil erosin in NZ

this is when soil has no plants and the soil go down when it has water. 

the process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. 

the gradual destruction or diminution of something.

Thursday 15 June 2017

blog are learning

Gradually: in a gradual way, slowly, by degrees.
"the situation gradually improved"
synonyms:slowlymoderately, unhurriedly, cautiously
 gentlygingerly, circumspectly,unspectacular. 

Abandoned: having been deserted or left.
"an abandoned car"
synonyms:desertedforsaken, cast aside/off;

Abrasive: showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh.
"her abrasive and arrogant personal style won her few friends" synonyms: 
grindingrubbing, polishing, coarsecoarse-grainedcausticharshmordant

Develop: grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate. 
"motion pictures were to develop into mass entertainment"
synonyms:growevolvematureexpandenlargespreadadvanceprogressprospersucceed,thrive, get on well, flourishblossombloomburgeon, make headway, be successful;

Expel: officially make (someone) leave a school or other organisation.
"parking is banned around the harbour in summer"
 make illegal, embargo, place an embargo on,
bardebarblockstop, put a stop to,
put an end to, suppressinterdict.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

James Wattie

James was born 1902 and in Hawarden,  North Canterbury. his family shifted to nelson and Marlborough. he made spaghetti. 

1.Describe how James showed the kiwi 'can-do' approach?

2.Explain how the actions of James helped  people 
in his community while he was alive? 

3.Using James as an exmple, describe how a name can become part of the culture of a country. 

4.what product would you like your  name to be on ? draw a logo for your product .

5  web search find out what event was taking place in the photo above.    

Michael Joseph Savage

he was born 1872 and died 1940. people love him and photograph still hung up in home around the world. he was the youngest of eight children and his mum & dad are Irish. 

1. how do you know the cartoon is about an election?

2. Explain who the two fighters are?

3. Explain who the two,along with their supporters, are feeling? 

4. why was  the cartoonist clever showing savage in boxing gear ?

5. choose one event from the text about savage. Describe how you would make a cartoon about that event.

6. wed search: Michael Joseph Savage had a stormy
relationship with john a. Lee find out who Lee was and about the fight between the two men.  

Thursday 8 June 2017

blog are learning



Wednesday 7 June 2017

jessie mackay

She was born 1864, died 1934. she worked as a teacher and journalism. illness forced her to stop teaching. so she concentrated on journalism she became 'lady editor' of  the Canterbury times, and then a free-lance writer. poetry and journalism can help create a sense of national identity? 

2. find two pieces of evidence that show Jessie was well-known in NZ before she died?
Jessie was connected to many literary people in both NZ and Australia . by the time of her death in 1938  she was thought of us NZ main poet and the first  truly local writer.  

3. Explain how Jessie's name kept a alive in NZ. 

4. Quote the words Jessie used about early NZ poets and explain what she meant? 

Friday 2 June 2017

Drama in media.

1. what type of story is it? 

2. what does the action (scrip/visuals) suggest about the product? 

3. who are the characters (roles) and how are they used to sell the       product? 

4. who is the target audience for the product? 

5. how does the story entice people to buy the product?

6. can you think of another advert with this style of story? 

Thursday 1 June 2017

water sustainability

1. what is sustainability? 

2. what is the current state of water quality in new Zealand? 

3. how is new Zealand helping water sustaniabilitly?

blog are learning

me and Sarah are reading Sad True Heartbreaking love story of a girl. 

sad true heartbreaking love story of a girl

Image result for Sad True Heartbreaking love story of a girl.