
Wednesday 9 May 2018

stone age tools intro

1.  whtt problems did ppl face in the stone age ??
     didn`t know how to make fire or  make weapons to kill animals.
2.  whtt food did they eat ??
     fruit and roots till they got weapons and then any animals they killed.
3.  whtt were used to hunt food ??
     stones and the weapons they made 
4.  whtt was difficult about using stones ??
     finding the right ones to shape
5.  whtt did they do about this problem ??
     find the right ones to shape
6.  whtt kind of tools were used ??
7.  whtt type of tools could they make when adding wood or stones together ??
     bacily anything
8.  whtt is an axe and pick axe used for ??

We watched this video in Social Studies. It shows us what tools were made in the stone Age.​

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