
Thursday 1 August 2019

fuel for life

what is nutrients ?
* nutrients are subtenancy in food that contribute to a person`s well-being by eating a variety of foods and liquids the body takes the nutrients it needs to maintain good health.
* good nutrients allow our body to function. 

what are the three ways that we lose water from the human body ? 
1. Kidneys: by urine. Intestines, through bowel movements
2. Lungs: by exhaling water vapour. a lack of water can cause the mucus in your lungs to thicken, which slows down respiration
3.  Skin: By Perspiration. 

how long can a person live under normal conditions without drinking water? 
 At least 60% of the adult body is made of water. A human can go without food for about three weeks but would typically only last three to four days without water 

when your thirsty what is that a sign of? 
the brains way of warning you that you are dehydrated because you're not drinking enough fluid 

Monday 1 April 2019

year 11 art (paint work)

for art I am painting and my why is thoughts and feeling as we need a why.. I didn't know what to pick but then the thought hit me why not thought and feeling.. for my portfolio I choose lost and found basically..  as some people are lost, don`t know what to do. others have everything great..

my next step is to cut out the drawings, take off the 666, get help from miss to fix the black line. trying to use pale white, black is the focal point. 

I have taken the 666 off, put more colours with it, put lines that look like it`s moving for movement, cant make the line anymore better as when I go to make it more  straight it  goes less straight so I have finished on that painting

it is meant to be a ballerina but its just the dress as I keep trying to draw a face for it but couldn't get it right as I don`t really draw faces.. I`m more of a think of a drawing do lines and draw it but I don`t so much like drawing faces so I don`t, the lines and the colours go with the movement in dance.. 

 so my why is feeling and thoughts so this is all on lost, the ballerina is lost that`s why she is like that (has no head) all the lines, are movement as when she dances she feels  alive but everything else she has no idea what she is doing, she feels really lost.. the other ones are little things I was painting, didn't really  have an idea so thought would be cool to cut them out, it`s to go with the lost paintings.. the little purple one is again to do with movement..    this is all my my painting  to do with the lost, ballerina with no face/head,  purple one to do with movement,  cut out painting.

I have changed it a lot.. I have made a painting instead of strips of painting for the corner bit of the ballerina, the colour are difference like yin and yang.
yin - generation, discovery, receptive, ideas. 
yang - products, markets, aggressive, growth.


Thursday 14 February 2019

year 11 drama ( view pointing )

today we moved in difference place`s with people, for example we where on the play ground we used that as a place, for example one of the girls had her head in the  spider web thing on the play ground a other one is we walked all around the play ground a other one is I stay near the wooden pole just moving my feet and hands a little, started making sounds w my rings, then we went near the table`s some people sat down on the sits near the table`s and some people standing, then they came and sat down next to us one girl said subscribe to PewDiePie and a other said why, subscribe to cheese and then we start to band on the table saying cheese cheese then other foods 

Tuesday 12 February 2019

year 11 reading responses


Maximum ride -
It was okay a bit weird but one of my friends picked it out and thought it was cool, it's about people w wings that do a flying show, they are in danger, one of the people got shot at,  they went to one place to start being really famous but one of the people said it is to danger and try to stop the whole show thing but one person persuaded him to do one more, I think it is really weird and don't like it that much but if I keep reading it I think I may start to like it because I like weird for some weird reason


Maximum ride-
the lady named max got badly hurt, there was a guy who did it, then she try to fight him but didn't really work she got more hurt then she end up getting thrown out of a car back at near where she lives. went inside and then her mum fixed her up as she is a veterinarian (she can`t fly for a week), max want to go to a save place w the kids but they want to go to the day and night school for kids like her, so she did that for them, then she asked one of the kids why and she said because she wants to be a normal kid, said take my wings and then a big thing happen the kid start to cry and max said you are a special kid, you r smart, unique and beautiful, even if ya didn't have your wings you would still be a bird kid.

year 11 home economics

Chicken chow mein
Small cabbage wedge
1 c of vegetables ( courgette, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, mushrooms)
1 carrot
1 small onion
1 chicken breast – shredded
1pkt instant noodles
1T cornflour
½t chicken stock powder
1T soy sauce


½ C water Make Sauce: in a small bowl stir together the cornflour, chicken stock powder, soy sauce, flavour sachet from instant noodles and water and leave to the side. Wash and prepare the vegetables Chop the onion Cut the carrots into thick sticks Break the cauliflower and broccoli into florets Shred the cabbage Slice Mushrooms/capsicums/courgettes Cook then shred the cooked chicken with two forks Heat oil in fry pan or wok Cook the onion for 2-3 minutes. Add the carrots and cook a further 2 mins, then add the remaining vegetables and stir-fry for another 2 mins.Add the shredded chicken, instant noodles and sauce and stir to combine Stir in another cup of hot water. Heat through until hot Serve immediately

what we did ?
the other day we made Chicken chow mein, it requirement us to make veges, chicken and noodles, with the forces on health and safe