
Monday 29 May 2017

Julie Christie

she is famous for newspaper and television. 

1. what is a CEO? chief executive officer. 

2.  what is television? because all of as watch it and someone in  NZ  made it. 

3. how is Julie Christie a business success. 
1. newspaper journalist. 
2. her first television series. 
3. did a documentary  about Rachel hunter.

   Image result for Julie Christie

Friday 26 May 2017

how to get Starbucks at your school

Image result for starbucks drawing tumblr

Starbucks will keep kids awake at school  so the can to their school work how they just want to go home and sleep, and some people don’t even have time for breakfast.

Monday 22 May 2017

blog are learning

During self selected learning time today I chose to read the subtitles of If you really knew me by Cassie Javv.  She was telling her YouTube people  about her life.

Image result for CassiieJayy

Thursday 18 May 2017

maui and the giant fish.

1. picture of Maui and the fish. 
Image result for maui and the giant fish

2. what did the story explain. 
To  have courage and never give up. 

3. what did you think of the story.
positive: I like Maui name. 

negative: the story was too long for me to read.  

Thursday 11 May 2017

Dilution Experiment

Dilution experiment

Your report needs to have the following sections:

Write a simple sentence stating what we were trying to do in the experiment

What is dilution
Write in your own words what dilution actually means.

Write a bullet point list of equipment used. You could include photos of equipment, of a full photo of the setup, and then label the equipment.

Either show photos of how you did the experiment, of write how you did the experiment. It’s important to write down how many ml of water we used in all the test tubes. The crystals that we used were potassium permanganate.

This should be a photo with a caption. If you are doing this in your books, then you need to write a description of what you saw.

Write what the main result of the whole experiment was (that you created a series of different dilutions of potassium permanganate and water). You could also think about how you might improve the experiment, or any tips for someone doing it again themselves.

what I learning about today

I was reading the subtitles of Jake Paul 

Image result for jake paul      Image result for jake paul

Wednesday 10 May 2017

what I was learning about today

I was learning about My fav person in the word  Jack of why don`t we he is a singer my fav one he is in a band. 

Image result for why don't we jack   Image result for why don't we

Monday 8 May 2017

Dirty Water Problem

I want to investigate how to filter dirty water and make it safe to drink.


  • dirty contaminated water
  • 3x funnels
  • stand
  • 3x clamps
  • pebbles
  • sand
  • cotton
  • charcoal
  • paper towel
  • Bunsen Burner


1. Set up the funnels in a line on the stand using clamp to hold them in place.
2. In the top funnel, put a small wad of cotton and then fill with small pebbles.
3. In the middle funnel put a small wad of cotton and then fill with sand.
4. In the bottom funnel put a small wad of cotton and then fill with charcoal.
5. Place a cup under the bottom funnel to catch the water.
6. Pour the dirty water into the top funnel, be careful not to overfill the funnel.
7. Boil the filtrate (filtered water) for 2 minutes and let cool.

The water still had a very "earthy" flavour to it.

The pebble filter was able to filter out all the big items like twigs, leaves, bark debris.
The sand filter filtered the small debris like the dissolved mud.
The charcoal filter was able to remove most of the "cloudiness".
I did end up using a 4th funnel where I used coffee filter paper. The filtrate was relatively clear.

This was an effective way of filtering although by the time the water had gotten to the last filter, the water was only dribbling through.

Further questions and possible experiments resulting from this experiment are:
  • How could you measure how clean the water is? 
  • Fill a clean, clear glass with water from your tap.
  • Hold the glass up to the light and take a look at the water. Is it clear or cloudy.
  • Smell the water.
  • Buy a water purity test kit, which can be purchased online or at a local hardware store. 

Friday 5 May 2017

Audition Task

 5. Frog Prince: Hello. My name is Prince Frederick and I am a . . . A fly addict. It’s all my father’sfault. No, really. I’m not just trying to blame someone else. You see, when he made up the list for my christening he made a slight error. He left my godmother off the list and she got a little . . . Upset. She sort of flew off the handle and turned me into a frog. She has since sought therapy to try and find better ways of dealing with her stress.  Anyway, I had to get a beautiful princess to kiss me so that I could turn back to normal. You can imagine the line of them just waiting to do so. It took me twenty years, but I finally found one willing to kiss my slimy frog lips. After my transformation we were married and supposed to live happily ever after.  Unfortunately, she broke up with me because of my addiction. Well, that and the lily pads in the bathtub drain.

Who am I. A frog what is a prince.
What kind of person am I- happy but sad.
What do I look like. A old ugly frog.
Gender. boy. My age. 26.
What do I believe in. love and god. Like. lily pads and fly. Dislike. herons and egrets. What do I do for fun. swimming and eating flys.
What time is it morning. What century is 2014 old. Is it Winter.
Where am I. on a lily pad. outside. country.
What surrounds me. nature.
The environment: furniture, colours, smells, sounds.

What are my relationships. good but some time rough around the edges.
Who are my family.
My friendcds?
My teachers?
My enemies? 



Thursday 4 May 2017

what kind of leader was Maui

What kind of leader was Maui


  • Good
  • Powerful
  • Great
  • Selfish
  • Smart
  • Brave
  • Fearless
  • Devoted to his tribe.
  • Arrogant
  • Vain
  • Strong

Maui and the sun

I like the book because it is about Resilience.
 Because he said we have to get the sun so they can go fishing. 

I can not relate to any of the characters because I do not

Image result for Maui and the sun 

Tuesday 2 May 2017

when my friend stayed the night at my house.

one morning I woke up had toast and my friend came of and we play games like monster high doll, guess who it was fun. She wanted to sleep at my house so I ask my mum can my friend stayed the night and she said yes so her and me went to go and get her stuff. We went back to my house and had tea for tea it was pizza. Play more games and then we got in bed and sleep. on the Sunday we woke up got food. 

   THE END  
Image result for pizza  Image result for toast, funny         

Monday 1 May 2017

something good in my holiday.

In the Easter holidays, I woke up and my mum asked me if I wanted  go to my grandparents house. They live near Jelly Park in Burnside. I said yes I love my grandparents. My dad/Phillip drove me to their house. I watched TV while my grandma was getting ready to go to the hairdresser and I went with her and went to another shop to get my eyebrows waxed. we went and got food I got a bite from Wendy's  I got a double hot dog, ice cream. Grandma got a garlic wrap and when we got home she put more stuff in it like vegetables, meat, salt and pepper. We went back to her house and  me and grandma got home and  then Phillip said an hour after we got home to me we have to go home. me and Phillip said good bye, we go in the car and we went home.