
Thursday 11 May 2017

Dilution Experiment

Dilution experiment

Your report needs to have the following sections:

Write a simple sentence stating what we were trying to do in the experiment

What is dilution
Write in your own words what dilution actually means.

Write a bullet point list of equipment used. You could include photos of equipment, of a full photo of the setup, and then label the equipment.

Either show photos of how you did the experiment, of write how you did the experiment. It’s important to write down how many ml of water we used in all the test tubes. The crystals that we used were potassium permanganate.

This should be a photo with a caption. If you are doing this in your books, then you need to write a description of what you saw.

Write what the main result of the whole experiment was (that you created a series of different dilutions of potassium permanganate and water). You could also think about how you might improve the experiment, or any tips for someone doing it again themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rachel, this is a really good start, but you can do much better than just copy pasting the instructions. And if you are stuck, then you can ask me, or even someone else in the class.


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